Bogglered Down ....
My blog is suddenly boggled down.
My template has gone tempetuous.
I'm flusterated.
Gonna get my friend Muley to kick the bejeezus outta this beta program.
Git'em, Muley.

It's a wilderness out there.
Gabby Goat and his herd have a way of munching through the madness -- a bonefide alternative to butting your head against the nearest tree -- be it politics, 5:00 traffic or things that make you just wanna paw the ground and snort.
And for most every excuse or 25-cent word some jerk jerkles, Gabby will likely come up with an goatard, i.e., a goat word, to fit the occasion.
My blog is suddenly boggled down.
Search and Rescue Dogs Killed:
"There were rumors that one of the search and rescue dogs died [mortally wounded by falling debris, shot by his handler]. This did not happen. One dog was injured and needed to be transported to a local veterinary hospital but the dog is expected to be ok." (Read "Servus")Source: Terri Crisp,Emergency Animal Rescue Service
K-9 Police Dogs Killed in WTC:
"Sirius", the resident bomb-sniffing dog at the World Trade Center's Port Authority K-9 Unit was below ground level when the first plane hit. His handler, Officer David Lim, told Sirius to stay in an office as he ran up the emergency stairs to investigate. Officer Lim was buried in the stairwell when the tower collapsed but was pulled from the heap by rescuers. Sirius was never found.
UPDATE Jan 29, 2002: Sirius, WTC Dog, Found in Rubble Sources: EARS, The Times, Dateline NBC
Companion animals killed in WTC:
One Yorkie suffered a fatal heart attack, according to United Animal Nations spokesperson Pam Runquist, and one cat who'd had serious medical problems prior to September 11 died from the stress. Although there havebeen injuries, "the consensus among the animal groups was that all the animals within the evacuated
area had been located and removed from their homes. There is always the possibility that some animals might not have been found, but that number would be extremely small."Source: Terri Crisp, EARS