Senate Vultures Are Circling

Yet, they are willing to sacrifice every principle and value that is critical to the welfare and safety of this nation -- especially our troops in harm's way. All to "get" George Bush.
They are willing to sacrifice the honor of those who have made the supreme sacrifice. All for political gain.
Driven by a blinding hatred of George Bush, democrat vultures are offering any prize, any piece of pork to grease votes to control the fate of national security.
Pelosi, Reid and Murtha -- the vultures of cut and run, the slow-bleeding buzzards, the ministers of misology, the voices of victimizing our troops in their mission in Iraq.
If the American voter is not watching this travesty of honor and integrity -- with the welfare of our troops at risk -- then we deserve what the future holds. And the future that is being wrought by democrats is bleak -- an unfettered challenge to the Constitutional authority of the President and an endangerment to the security of this nation.
The vultures. Raptors of hypocrisy and vendetta.
If they are so generous with funding pork projects to garner votes to discredit the President, let them be daring enough to devour the funding for our troops.