The Gabby Goat Gazette

It's a wilderness out there.

Gabby Goat and his herd have a way of munching through the madness -- a bonefide alternative to butting your head against the nearest tree -- be it politics, 5:00 traffic or things that make you just wanna paw the ground and snort.

And for most every excuse or 25-cent word some jerk jerkles, Gabby will likely come up with an goatard, i.e., a goat word, to fit the occasion.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Banished Words 2006

Words words words.

I've *masticulated* many a word this year.

Not as many as the folks up at the nation's smallest state institution, however.

Guess with all that cold weather and a student body of only 3,000 up in the finger of Michigan -- there has to be a lot of interest in hot air.

Here's the link to their list of Words Banished in 2006. Never used too many of them myself.

Discerning Goats are more interested in making news than breaking news. My counter-parts in the MSM have the monopoly on "breaking" news, anyway.

Did I say "breaking? "

Baaaa-haaaa-haaaaa. They annihilate it daily.


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